Do You Need an Author Website? What Should it Include?
Image Source: (Igor Miske / Unsplash)
As a new author do you really need a website? A lot of authors aren't sure if they should put together a website before publishing their first book, or if they need one at all.
An author website alone probably won't impact your sales, but think of it as one tool in your marketing arsenal. Creating a website is helpful and easy to do. It doesn't have to be super fancy, and you can use free website builders. A website gives you a place to direct readers to and promote your book or upcoming books. You can also control all of the content on your website—which is helpful when building your brand. As an author, your brand is your name (or pen name).
So what do you need to include in your website? At minimum you need to include an author bio, a list of your books, and links to buy them. If you want to engage with readers, you can also include a signup for a mailing list. It's also a good idea to have a contact form or info. You'll want to create an email specifically for interacting with people as an author. You can use a personal email, but it's not something I would recommend. Don't forget to link any social media profiles you have.
A media page isn't strictly necessary, but could be very helpful. It would include images of your book and author photos, so that anyone writing about you or your book can easily include your images. You can also include links to any existing media coverage of you (in the context of your writing) or your book. Including a contact form on this page is a good idea, so that any media can easily contact you.
Another optional element is a blog. A blog is a great way to connect with your existing readers, as well as reach new ones. But if you decide to start blogging make sure you consistently post. Think about how much you'll be able to realistically post. It can be once a week or once a month, but be consistent. A blog also means your website is updated on a regular basis, which search engines like.