5 Tips for Dealing With Writer's Block
Image Source: (Tim Gouw / Unsplash)
Lots of writers find themselves stuck sometimes, and there are all sorts of tips and tricks out there, some of which are helpful. In this post I'll give you five tips that I've found helpful when writing.
1. Write Badly
A lot of authors get caught up making their writing perfect—this is something I struggle with too. I get fixated on word choice or how many commas are in a sentence. But perfection is the enemy of progress, so give yourself permission to write badly. The first draft isn't the last draft and it's ok if it's not perfect. It's much easier to revise when you have something, even if you end up completely changing it.
2. Take a break
If you're stuck it can be helpful to go for a walk or do something that isn't creative. Do something you don't need to think about and give your brain a break. Maybe do that load of laundry you've been putting off for a week.
3. Write something else
You can also try writing something else, maybe an idea for a new project. It doesn't matter what it is, just write and don't fixate on what you aren't writing.
4. Don't walk away
It can be easy to get frustrated and give up. Try a writing exercise or a prompt. Get some momentum going and then try again. Throw your characters into a different situation, ask yourself what would happen if your character suddenly had a new superpower.
5. Skip it
If your characters are stuck in a situation that you can't figure a way out of, then skip it. Write the next scene or one later down the road. That might give you an answer or maybe a way the characters can avoid the problem entirely.
The most important thing you can do, though, is be kind to yourself. Writing is hard work, and sometimes your best isn't going to be the best. It's okay to have bad days and get frustrated. But just take it one word at a time.